Uniting Struggling Readers With A Proven Solution
The Challenge
Langsford is a reading remediation company that has been in business for 30 years and has helped more than 3000 K-12 students increase their reading by an average of 2 ½ levels in as little as 14 months. This has historically been done through in-person instruction at their learning centers in a focused geography. In recent years, Langsford has added an online version of their program with similar reading improvement success for their clients. The challenge was to grow their online business, which did not enjoy the same awareness and strong word-of-mouth as their local learning centers.
What We did
We started upstream by codifying their brand foundations, ensuring that Langsford was competitively positioned to win in the online learning marketplace. We then overhauled their website that serves as the destination for a new online campaign. The campaign, Reading Transformed, used a variety of social video and display to drive awareness and leads for the online business.